Testosterone Cypionate, like Testosterone Enanthate, is a long-acting ester of Testosterone. However, Testosterone Cypionate is less popular in Europe than the Enanthate variant. The two esters are virtually the same and in principle it does not make much difference whether Enanathate or Cypionate is used. For variety, you can opt for the Cypionate variant.
Testosterone Cypionate is active in the human body for 15 to 16 days just like Enanthate and results can be expected after three weeks.
Testosterone Cypionate should be injected at least once a week at a minimum of 250 mg (1ml) and at high doses several times a week. Testosterone Cypionate must be used for at least eight weeks for visible results. However, it is advisable to maintain a period of 10 to 12 weeks. With 1 bottle you can use 1ml (250 mg) per week for 12 weeks. 250mg per week is very little and it is advisable to use 2ml (500 mg) per week
Because a cypionate ester is attached to this testosterone, the testosterone is slowly released into the blood.
That is why it needs to be injected less often than, for example, testosterone propionate.
People who buy and use Testosterone Cypionate from Hardcorelabs only need to inject this product twice a week.
Testosterone is the most commonly used hormone and is an important basis in almost every treatment.
By nature, testosterone is both anabolic and androgenic.
Testosterone users will experience a dramatic increase in muscle mass and strength.
Testosterone also ensures a greatly increased libido and sex drive.
Because Testosterone Cypionate aromatizes strongly, estrogen-related side effects may occur, especially at high doses.
To counteract these side effects, aromatase inhibitors are often used.
One can then consider the use of arimidex, proviron or nolvadex.
After the treatment, a good PTC is used, which also consists of Nolvadex, HCG or Clomifen. This is because Testosterone Cypionate shuts down the body’s own production of testosterone. You want to restore this as quickly as possible.
Bodybuilders who want to use Testosterone Cypionate during a mass treatment often stack it with products such as Nandrolone Decanoate or Boldenone Undecylenate.
An oral drug such as dianabol or oxymetholone is often used as a kickstart.
When Testosterone Cypionate is used during a cutting cycle, it is best combined with trenbolone enanthate and an oral solution such as winstrol or anavar.
Recommended dosage for men: 500-1250mg per week for a period of 10-20 weeks.
Testosterone Cypionate is available at AnabolenKing.com
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